I have been working PROJECTS with the Ronald McDonald's House here in Baltimore since they opened the new facility in 2019. The house is very beautiful, it can accommodate 55 families per night, including 9 oncology suites, and serves approximately 2,400 families each year - families who are in need of lodging while their children are receiving medical treatment, yet can’t afford the cost.
I was lucky enough to be picked among a select group of artists to donate artwork in order to decorate their walls, with lots of hearts and focusing on the main theme…LOVE. The focal point is A piece which was auctioned off for $10,000 during their yearly gala event!THIS YEAR WE WORKED ON A VERY FUN PROJECT, DESIGNING THEIR NEW SHUTTLE BUS!
Artists have the unique opportunity to bring thoughts, ideas and messages to life with their art. And its not every day that you get the chance to help such a wonderful organization as the Ronald McDonalds House Charities. I can only express my gratitude to form a small part in giving these children hope and maybe even bring out a smile. Remember, life is more than just living, its about giving love.

Every artist plays a different and necessary part in contributing to the overall health, development, and well-being of our society. Creative thinkers and crafters may provide their communities with joy and inspiration, but they also give thoughtful critique to various economic, social and cultural elements of the community — pushing communities to engage thoughtfully and take steps toward social progress.
Artists can illuminate truth, offer transcendent experience in a far too literal world, challenge us to feel, and connect us to our common humanity.
That’s why I wanted to express my support for TO “Walk a Mile in their Shoes”, an event by the Sexual Assault Forensic Examination (SAFE) and Domestic Violence (DV) Program at GBMC Hospital. SAFE is the region’s most comprehensive sexual assault, abuse, and domestic violence center. In a confidential, non-judgmental setting, forensic nurses and victim advocates treat people of all ages at no cost to the patient. In addition to providing around-the-clock medical and forensic services, the program works to re-empower survivors and begin the healing process.
I created 2 special paintings for the event: “Warrior” & “Angel”. They capture the essence of the strength and resolution victims show when recovering from such hurtful trauma and underline the importance of seeking help like the one offered by SAFE. I highlighted words like love, support, hope and empowerment to compliment the images of the strength within each victim. The wings symbolize freedom and the vivid colors represent love and hope.
It was an honor to create these paintings for such a great organization and I wish it helps them reach their fundraising goals.